Fa sorridere vederlo in questa veste, ma come dice la saggia Wikipedia nell'articolo correlato, Guetta:
È considerato un idolo dei ragazzi amanti dell' house.Vi lascio con il video ufficiale della canzone (tratto direttamente dal canale di Guetta su YouTube) e con il testo.

The world is mine
The world is mine
The world is mine
I believe in the wonder
I believe this new life do can
Like a God that I'm under
There's a drugs running through my veigns
I believe in the wonder
I believe I can touch the flame
There's a spell that I'm under
Got to fly, I don't feel no shame
The world is mine
The world is mine
The world is mine
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
Take a look what you've started
In the world flashing from your eyes
And you know that you've got it
From the thunder you feel inside
I believe in the feeling
All the pain that you left to die
Believe in believing
In the life that you give to try
The world is mine
The world is mine
The world is mine
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
The world is mine
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
The world is mine
The world is mine
I believe in the wonder
I believe this new life do can
Like a God that I'm under
There's a drugs running through my veigns
I believe in the wonder
I believe I can touch the flame
There's a spell that I'm under
Got to fly, I don't feel no shame
The world is mine
The world is mine
The world is mine
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
Take a look what you've started
In the world flashing from your eyes
And you know that you've got it
From the thunder you feel inside
I believe in the feeling
All the pain that you left to die
Believe in believing
In the life that you give to try
The world is mine
The world is mine
The world is mine
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
The world is mine
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
I've lost my fear to war and peace
I don't mind that (the world is mine)
You took the price and realize
That to your eyes (the world is mine)
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Un commento, anche uno solo, è il più bel regalo che un blogger possa ricevere. In un blog si parla di tutto e di tutti, si scherza, si ride e ci si diverte. Ma soprattutto mi auguro che anche voi vi divertiate.
La felicità è un piccolo fuocherello, un colpo di vento, una calpestata senza attenzione e tutto finisce in fumo.
Ecco perché prima di commentare vi invito a rileggere quello che avete scritto, un po' come quando entrando a casa di altri ci si pulisce le scarpe sullo zerbino e si chiede permesso.
Per questo non sono accettate volgarità, insulti, commenti troppo pesanti. Io, lettori, vi lascio la porta aperta, non dovete bussare per entrare, ma chiedo solo che siate i più rispettosi possibili, nei confronti di tutti. È facile farsi prendere la mano ed è difficile fermarsi 2 secondi sopra lo zerbino. Ma il tempo che dedicherete all'educazione non sarà mai tempo sprecato.
Qualsiasi commento che non rispetti le regole di una conversazione rilassata, civile e tranquilla, verrà eliminato, non mi piace sgridare la gente e non sono qui per insegnare nulla a nessuno, ma se non trovate più il vostro commento vuol dire che forse aveva oltrepassato un o' il limite.