Tutto risolto. Ci ha pensato Alexandra Stan, con la sua "Mr. Saxobeat" (ascolta). In effetti credo che ci mancasse solo questo al panorama musicale, nonostante credo che in molti ne avrebbero fatto a meno ma il mercato dance-pop rumeno sembra essere molto prolifico in questi ultimi anni (al contrario di quello italiano che una volta dominava le scene) ed è impossibile fermarlo.
In realtà a me questa canzone ricorda molto, troppo "Hot" (singolo ello scorso anno di Inna). A parte il sax il resto della base non è nulla di nuovo, ma si rifà alle sonorità dell'altra cantante rumena, Inna appunto.
Se non altro godetevi il video, anche in questo caso nulla che non si sia già visto:
Testo | Lyrics
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
Hey, sexy boy,
Set me free,
Don’t be so shy,
Play with me
My dirty boy ,
Can’t you see,
That you belong,
Next to me
Hey, sexy boy,
Set me free,
Don’t be so shy,
Play with me
My dirty boy ,
Can’t you see,
You are the one
To meee…
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Down down…
Mr.Saxo beat
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Down down…
Mr.Saxo beat
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
Hey, sexy boy,
Set me free,
Don’t be so shy,
Play with me
My dirty boy ,
Can’t you see,
That you belong,
Next to me
Hey, sexy boy,
Set me free,
Don’t be so shy,
Play with me
My dirty boy ,
Can’t you see,
You are the one
To meee…
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Play it sweet,
Make me move like a freek
Mr.Saxo beat
He makes me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Dancing sweet,
Make me move like a freek
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Down down…
Mr.Saxo beat
You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Down down…
Mr.Saxo beat
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La felicità è un piccolo fuocherello, un colpo di vento, una calpestata senza attenzione e tutto finisce in fumo.
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Qualsiasi commento che non rispetti le regole di una conversazione rilassata, civile e tranquilla, verrà eliminato, non mi piace sgridare la gente e non sono qui per insegnare nulla a nessuno, ma se non trovate più il vostro commento vuol dire che forse aveva oltrepassato un o' il limite.