13 febbraio 2009

John Legend "Everybody knows"

Di nuovo John Legend, ecco l'ultimo singolo "Everybody knows", bellissima canzone che in questi giorni si comincia a sentire. Nello stile di Legend una ballata tranquilla, elegante e che piacerà a chi di sicuro apprezzato questo artista, dopo canzoni come "Ordinary people", "Save room", "P.D.A. (we just don't care)" un altro bersaglio colpito per il cantante americano.
Non è ancora prevista una data di release (di uscita) del singolo (ma lo si può comprare ad esempio su iTunes qui), intanto è già in circolazione il video.

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Testo | Lyrics

It gets harder every day, but I can't seem to shake the pain
I'm trying to find the words to say, please say
It's written all over my face, I can't
Function the same when you're not here
I'm calling your name and no one's there
And I hope one day you'll see nobody has it easy,
I still can't believe you found somebody knew
But I wish you the best, I guess.
‘Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knows
How to make it work, or how to ease the hurt
We've heard it all before, that everybody knows
How to make it right, I wish we gave it one more try
One more try
One more try
'Cause everybody knows, but nobody really knows

I don't care what the people say
They brought it all in anyway
Baby don't fill up your head with he-said, she-said
It seems like you just don't know
The radio's on, you tuning me out,
I'm trying to speak, you're turning me down
And I hope one day you'll see nobody has it easy,
I still can't believe you found somebody knew
But I wish you the best, I guess.
‘Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knows
How to make it work, or how to ease the hurt
We've heard it all before, that everybody knows
How to make it right, I wish we gave it one more try
One more try
One more try
One more try
‘Cause everybody knows, but nobody really knows

Oh I wish you'd understand
Oh, just an ordinary man
Listen we'd have known
Everybody knows, but nobody really knows
And I know one day you'll see, nobody has it easy
I still can't believe you found somebody knew
I wish you the best, I guess.

‘Cause everybody knows, that nobody really knows
How to make it work, or how to ease the hurt
We've heard it all before, that everybody knows
How to make it right, I wish we gave it one more try
One more try
One more try
One more try
‘Cause everybody knows, but nobody really knows

1 commento:

  1. C'è il concerto a Padova tra poco più di un mese.. mi hai anticipato, volevo mettere anch'io il video sul blog!


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La felicità è un piccolo fuocherello, un colpo di vento, una calpestata senza attenzione e tutto finisce in fumo.
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Qualsiasi commento che non rispetti le regole di una conversazione rilassata, civile e tranquilla, verrà eliminato, non mi piace sgridare la gente e non sono qui per insegnare nulla a nessuno, ma se non trovate più il vostro commento vuol dire che forse aveva oltrepassato un o' il limite.